The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Friday, July 27, 2012

Trying to stay the pool!

Just keeping busy in this heat as usual!  We actually joined Church Run Pool last week.  We were going so much with the McGuire's and we got such a great deal we just couldn't pass it up!  We are just trying to stay cool and today we acutally went bowling!  Cora loved it...Josh just wanted to crawl down the lanes and get the bowling ball.  So he was a little hard to deal with!  I will be glad when this boy starts walking...or will I?!!

Showing off her Dora the Explorer bikini!

Natalie joined us one night at the pool!

Poor Josh...he needs another male on our side of the family:)

Princess Joshua:)

Lena trying to stay cool...and giving the evil eye?!

At a pool party last Saturday night...Cora loved the salt water pool!

Josh trying to stay the fridge!

Cora with my friend/co-worker Suzanne

Loved her bowling shoes!

And not so happy...wanted so badly to crawl and grab the pins and bowling ball!!

My girl and I:)

And she's out for the count...who knew bowling could be so tiring?!
Two kids napping=me able to update my blog!

11 months and on the move!!

Phew, I now fully understand the difference between a boy and a girl!  Or maybe my girl was just tame and not into everything!!  My sweet, silly little boy is everywhere!  I have said this before, but he is getting more curious by the week!!  He keeps us on our toes all day (except when napping:)). However, I LOVE every single minute of him getting in trouble!  He is just so cute and his curiosity just makes him even more delicious!! 
He turned 11 months old on July 24th.  He is starting to cruise more but prefers crawling because he is so FAST!  His new words are "this" and "that".  He points to everything and says either of those words.  And wants to touch "this and that".  Josh is still taking his two naps a day (thank goodness!)  and sleeping his good ole' 12 hours at night.  It's funny to watch him with Cora because he is starting to get "mad" when she takes something from him.  He defintely has a little temper.  His whole life Cora has taken things away from him...but now he has realized that he can try to get it back!  His personality is just sweet but I can see a little temper emerging from the surface!  We can not believe our boy will be a year in a month!!??  Wow time has flown.  Love love love our sweet boy!!

Doing so well with picking up table foods!

What a profile!

Sweet boy!

Sometimes you just have to "contain" him to get anything done!

I turn my back for a second and he's ready to get washed up!

So sweet playing together (most of the time!)

Early morning love:)

Love these they look alike??!  :)

Nana turns 60!

A couple of weeks ago (just a little behind in blogging land), Nana turned 60!!  We had a "suprise" party at the McGuire house.  She knew that her immediate family was going to be there, but she didn't know that some of her closest friends were too!  She walked in the door and was so suprised to find everyone!!  It was a great party and it was so nice to catch up with everyone.  Now that Pop and Nana are 60, we will have to wait until the next big party...maybe Sam when he turns 40?!!  Happy Birthday Nana, we love you!!!


Kelly did a great job of putting together old pictures of Nana!

Delicious cake!

Nana's little in love with each other:)

My sweet Cora!

Ready to eat!

All smiles ready to eat!

The girls and Josh gave Nana a vase with their hand prints!

Being silly with Uncle Harold!

Someone liked Fenway's cage!

Joshua with Aunt Doris!

Mom and her girls:)

The girls!


Love this picture...ready for cake!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Hard to believe the 4th of July is already here...before we know it, it will be time to head down to the beach!  Last night we went to an early celebration to Genworth Financial and listened to a Patriotic band and watched fireworks!  We went with the McGuire's, Nana and Pop, and some other families.  It was perfect for all of the kids.  They danced and danced until the fireworks started and kept themselves pretty entertained!  It was simple but perfect!  Today we are about to head out to the Nolan's for a celebration.  I will post some pictures of that later on!
We are so lucky to live in such a wonderful and strong country...I am truely proud to be an American.....Happy Birthday America!!

Lots of lying in the grass, not sure why, but it seemed pretty fun to Ellie and Cora!

More grass time:)

Cute little Ellie!

Dancing away!

Dancing with her buddy Shay!

Almost ready for the fireworks to start! 

Ready to watch with Daddy!

Short but sweet fireworks!

Watching it with Daddy!