The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Pop!

Pop turned 61 on June 26th!  And he's still looking good!  :)  We had a little birthday celebration with homemade ice cream and cake a few days ago.  We were all so excited for the ice cream because we had not had it in such a long time!  The girls were very excited to stir the ice cream.  It was such a fun party, we were all tired by the end of the night!  We love you Pop, Happy Birthday!!

Madelyn stirring the ice cream!

Ellie's turn!

Cora's turn!

Meme and Joshua!  He's as long as her!

One of my favorites:)

Aunt Doris joined the celebration too!

Happy 61st Pop!

Joshua getting a ride by Daddy!

Ellie and her little buddy

Dad and his girls!

Loving ice cream and cake!

Cora is 3 1/2!

Time flys when you're having fun...especially for this 3 1/2 year old!  We can't believe Cora is 3 1/2, it is crazy!!  She has grown up so much even since her 3rd birthday.  She is such a little girl now.  She says the funniest things.  She is smart as a whip and comes out with the best one liners.  She is truely a joy to be around.  Cora is a fun, sweet, smart, loving, and beautiful little girl.  Our curly haired redhead brings so much joy to our lives.  We love you sweet girl!

Our beutiful little girl:)

So sweet!

10 months old!

I truely cannot believe that my little man is 10 months old!  His first birthday will be here before we know it!  Joshua is the happiest little baby, I can't say that enough!  He is always smiling and laughing.  He is also the most curious little baby boy!!  He is into everything!!!  He is crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything!  I'm waiting for him to start cruising because then I know what's next...walking!  Our little guy is such a joy, we absoutely adore him!  Happy 10 months Joshua Hudson!

My crawling boy!

Such a happy little guy!

Puts anything and everything into his mouth!

Very curious to look out the window!

Checking out his mommy and daddy's wedding picture!

Look at those teeth!!

Hanging out on the swing!

Hanging out at the Nolans at the pool!

Didn't like the big pool so much, but loved the kitty pool

Hanging out with his cousins and his sister:)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Busch Gardens!

Our first trip of the year to Busch Gardens was last week!  Last time we went I was about 35 weeks pregnant with Joshua...and it was hot!  I was a little nervous taking two kids but it actually worked out perfect!!  No meltdowns at all!  The entire group was on their best was amazing!  It was such a care free, easy going morning.  The weather was perfect and there were no lines.  We can not wait to go again!!  Cora LOVED all the rides and says her favorite was the Merry Go Round!  I personally loved Elmo land and the rollercoaster!  What a great trip it was and we can't wait to go again!!

Another favorite ride!  I couldn't go on it...someone had to watch the baby in the stroller:)

The balloons!

Loved the swings!

Joshua VERY interested in the rides!  So cute!


The girls on the bumper cars!

Josh at lunch...
Such a good little boy.. I couldn't have asked for more from a kid who missed his morning nap!

We watched an awesome show during lunch...Little Red Riding Hood was great!

Hello Summer!

Summer time has officially begun!  We are in the full swing of no school and lots of outdoor activities, especially the pool!  We love going to the McGuire's pool.  We are frequent guests:)  Cora is loving the pool this summer and Josh LOVES the water too!  I have had to hold him back a few times to keep him from drinking the pool water...Yum!! Can't wait for more summer time fun!!

Pool time!!  Even Cooper Roth came to play!

Cora and Cooper.  Of course Uncle Sam is loving on his sweet Ellie!

Calden and Josh hanging out!

Park fun!  Josh swinging with Johnny Meehan!

No more school...which means mornings of dress up!

Beutiful little girls:)

They love to play together...melts my heart:)

My loves

Look Who's Crawling!

Our little man turned 9 months and celebrated in a big way...crawling and pulling up!  This boy is into everything!  He is so sweet and curious.  Very curious about how things work, and is attracted to any cord anywhere!  Cora was NEVER like that!  She could barely crawl until she was almost 12 months old!  I am defintely seeing the difference between a girl and boy!  But Josh is doing awesome!  At his 9 month appointment he weighed 19lbs 13 oz (40th percentile for wt.) and was 30 inches long (96th percentile for ht.).  Where do my kids this height from?!!  I love it!!  Sleeping 12 hours through the night, taking a morning and afternoon nap, eating great!!  Overall, a happy, sweet, cuddly, curious little baby boy!  We Love you Joshua:)

Loves loves any remote and phone!

We have had to hide the dog bowl, another favorite of his:)

On the move!


Beautiful profile:)

Push ups already?!