The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Very Nolan Halloween!

We were so busy during Halloween this year, I was exhausted by the time it was all over!  Cora had preschool on Halloween day, so she had a party.  She was so excited for everything that she couldn't nap.  Then we went to a little girl's house in our neighborhood that is in Cora's preschool class and had a party over there.  And then we finally made it to the Nolan household.  Needless to say we had a very tired Snow White by the end of the night!  The Nolans party hard on Halloween, I love it!  Of course Snow White Cora had a blast, and Joshua slept basically the whole time.  He was a tired poisonous apple!  All in all we had a wonderful Halloween and it's crazy to think next year Joshua will be going from house to house too! 

Cora insisted that Lena needed to be dressed up for Halloween this year!

So excited!

My beautiful Snow White!

All ready to eat at Grammy's!

Ready to go out and trick or treat!

My sleepy apple...

Party at the Nolan's!

The two loves of my life!

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