The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Madelyn's 9th Birthday and Thanksgiving!

I have gotten behind blogging with the craziness of the Holidays!  We celebrated Madelyn's 9th Birthday and Thanksgiving weeks ago!  Madelyn had an awesome birthday at Skate World (or whatever it's called!) in Ashland!  We had a great time rollerskating and celebrating our favorite 9 year old's birthday!  We love our girl and are so proud of her in everything she does!  Right after her birthday we went right into Thanksgiving!  We had a great time at Nana and Pop's and Aunt Susie's house!  It was a busy day filled with lots of food, laughter, and love!  We have so much to be thankful for this year!!

Ready to rollerskate!

Josh not too sure about it!

Trying to hang with his cousin!

Opening presents at our house after the party!

Quality dog cousin time

Thanksgiving and Meme!

Josh with Skippy Jon Jones!

The girls!

The little man!

Josh was insistent on putting an apple on the apple pie!

My family at Thanksgiving!

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