The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

8th Wedding Anniversary and Picking Peaches!

Last week Sam and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary!  We didn't have any big plans and the kids were insistent we should get ice cream as a we did!  First we went on a long bike ride around Crump Park then headed off to Brewsters for some ice cream.  It was not the most exciting anniversary but I would not have traded anything for the world!  Last week we also went picking peaches at Chiles Peach Orchard with the Wheelins.  Josh and Cora love hanging out with Mason and Abby.  We have so much fun together.  Ironically, there were no peaches at the peach orchard that we drove an hour and fifteen minutes to!  There were vegetables and flowers, ha!  It was so beautiful up there and weather was perfect, not hot at all.  So we picked some veggies and flowers and had an absolute blast.  What a fun summer activity!

Our bike ride!

Josh loves riding without his training wheels!

Ice Cream!

Sweet friends

Looking for those veggies!

Beautiful flowers

I think I see a vegetable!

They loved picking flowers!

It really is beautiful in the mountains...

Love hanging out with Jill!

Random picture...we have been so excited to watch Townley Hass!
Townley swam at our pool and we love wearing our shirts to support him!!

Summer Pics...

Here a bunch of pics from August!

Sam and his Dad did a Mid Night Race..they loved it!

He loved it!

Pop and Sam built Josh a swing set for an early  birthday gift....he loves it!!

Best gift from Pop and Nana!

Cora and Lillian are the best of friends!

Friends since 2!

I often find them sleeping together....

We went to see a short play with the Meehans and Wheelins!

Squirrels game with Stella and Nolan!

Beautiful night!

They all had a great time!

Water Country!

Last week we did our annual trip to Water Country.  We do this every year after swim team is over! This year we went with the McGuires, Meehans, and Bursdalls.  It was a great group and we had an awesome time.  Josh is over 42 inches now so he can basically ride what he wants...well almost everything!  Love doing such fun activities with my kids...we stay busy but we love every second of it!

Josh and Johnny have a lot of fun together!

Our "kids with the map" picture!

The whole group!

Josh loves Caroline!

Josh is on the top right...brave boy!

Swim Team Awards

A few weeks ago Church Run had their end of the year Award Ceremony.  This was a special award ceremony because Cora and Josh got to participate!  Usually Josh would stay home, but he was so excited to come this year!  Josh was SO cute, he went up to get his trophy and stood extremely still. He was so proud of himself!  Cora got her swim team trophy and then for the second year in a row got the 110% award!!!  She works so hard and we are so proud of her!  I am so proud of both of my little swimmers...until next year!!

We have the BEST coaches!!  My kids adore them!

Josh getting his trophy....

Didn't move a muscle

My sweet girl with her trophy

SO Happy!!

Only a select few get the 110% award, Madelyn got it again too!!

Cousins and Judah!

My little swimmers!