The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Cora's Dance Recital!

Central Virginia Dance Academy always puts on an impressive dance recital.  It is held at the Carpenter Center and literally takes up the whole weekend.  There is spacing and dress rehearsal on Saturday, then there are two shows on Sunday (each show is 3 hours long!)  It is exhausting but such a fun and exciting experience for the dancers.  This year Cora took Jazz/Tap 1 with Madelyn and Lillian.  They did a Jazz routine to Peter Pan with the song The Great Divide.  The girls loved being in class together and had such a great time!  It's been a great dance year and next year Cora will take Jazz/Tap 2!  Everyone did such a great job and it was such a great show!

Ready for spacing rehearsal 

Running through the routine before putting on their costumes 

Madelyn, Lillian, Cora, and their new friend Claire!

Cora and Alexandra!

Such sweet girls!

We watched Holden and Ellie while Madelyn had finale practice 

Selfie with my sweet girl!

Love this guy!

He loved the tractor


My two beautiful girls!

My pretty little dancer 

My girl and I!

Madelyn and Aunt KK

Cora and Grammy!

She LOVED her flowers from her Daddy and Josh

Happy little dancer!

With Nana and Pop!  Cora loved her dance necklace from them!

Happy girls with their flowers

Friends since they were 2!

Tracy did Cora's makeup for the second show...she loved it!

Ready for the 5:30 show!

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