The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween Night!

We had lots of Halloween celebrations and FINALLY came Halloween Night!  We went to Grammy and Papa's Halloween party and Cora and Josh went trick or treating with the Nolan cousins.  They had a blast!  It was great food, lots of laughs, and lots of trick or treating.  Spiderman and Wonder Woman were some tired trick or treaters after it was all said and done.  It was a great Halloween for everyone and we can't wait for our next holiday-Thanksgiving!

Nolan, Beau, and Cora playing Candyland after trick or treating

The boys played soccer on Halloween morning 

Spiderman and Wonder Woman!

My Superheros!

All ready to go trick or treating!

The Haynes group!

Some of the grand children, missing a few!

Josh loves his Auntie Laurie!

Grammy and Papa with their grandkids!

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