The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Josh's Spring Program!

Yesterday Josh had his Spring Program at the Gingerbread Cottage!  He has come a long way since he started school back in September.  I could not be more proud of him!!  He went from being a shy little boy who barely spoke in his class, to a talkative little guy who says "Wait a minute guys" when he needs to speak to the entire class!  He did awesome at his program and I couldn't have been more proud!!!  Ellie, Holden, and Aunt KK came to see him.  I am so proud of my Joshua Hudson and can't wait for a fun summer with him and Cora!!

Here he comes!

He was so excited to see Ellie!

Singing away!

His little class (he's 3rd from the left)

Getting his certificate from Mrs. Hennessey!

Shaking hands with Mrs. Long

My cute guy!

Josh and Mrs. Hennessey!

Josh and Nana!

He was so happy!

His artwork!

More artwork!

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