The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December Photos!

Here are some photos of December!  Cora had her first "meet and greet" for her Daisy Troop #3230!  We all enjoyed a doughnut at Krispy Kreme Doughnuts!  The girls are super cute together.  I think it's going to be a great troop!  Cora has had some holiday parties at school including Polar Express Day and her Winter party!  It was also mismatched day at school!  We delivered our letters to Santa at the Wendhurst house down the street.  It is a great tacky house that we love to visit!  Santa mailed them a letter back!!  It was very exciting!  We are all ready for Christmas and can't wait for the upcoming days!
Ready for the meet and greet!
There are 8 girls in the troop!

My cute Daisy!!

Being silly at Polar Express Day!

Enjoying her donut and hot chocolate!

She loved her long pajamas!

We love the Wendhurst house!

Dropping off their list!

Winter Party and Mismatched Day!

The girls!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Santa and Christmas Sing-A-Long!

Last Saturday we went to see the Legendary Santa at the Children's Museum.  We LOVE the Legendary Santa.  We saw him come down the chimney which is always so magical!  He is so kind to the kids and takes his time speaking with each of them.  This year Josh was not scared of "Ho Ho." Thank goodness!!  Afterwards we watched the Christmas parade which starts at the Children's Museum.  The kids love watching the parade!  It was a little rainy but we still loved it!  What a great morning we had!
On Monday Josh had his Christmas Sing-A-Long at preschool.  He was absolutely adorable.  He kept waving to us and just smiling away.  Grammy, Aunt Susie, and Nana got to enjoy him sing also!  I snuck away from work for a little bit to see him:)  He seemed very relaxed on stage.  Let's see, he leaned back with his feet up on the steps, consistently waved to the crowd, and at one point he leaned back and pulled his shirt up.  Oh my boy, what am I going to do with you?!  All I can say is that he was a cutie! I love my silly little guy!!

I love this!

Nana's photo!

Watching the parade!

Watching Santa while waiting their turn!

Here he comes!

He's here!

The Snow Queen!

Telling Santa their Christmas list

What cuties!

Ellie and Cora!

Cora and Josh!

Two peas in a pod

He loves his "Manalyn"

Straight "chillin"


Being shy taking a picture

Waving to his Mama:)

Tis' the Season!

We have been busy decorating, buying presents, looking for Dopey (our Elf), and enjoying the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!  Here are some pictures our family getting ready for the Holidays!

Josh is loving our new train!

My sweet girl decorating 

My sweet guy admiring our tree

All done decorating!

She has always loved moving around the ornaments

Helping Daddy put the angel on the tree

Not sure if he likes the train or the remote more

Cora, Sam, Josh, and Hopper!

CVDA Party!

Cora had her birthday party at Central Virginia Dance Academy this year.  It was perfect!!   Cora loves taking ballet and tap so this was the perfect party for her!!

What a precious group of girls!

In action!

Her teacher Miss Abigail

Josh working hard on the craft.
He gave his bracelet to Mrs. Hennessey

Cora and Lillian

Coloring with her friends!

Doing a Cinderella skit!

First in line!

My beautiful ballerina!

She has improved so much this year!

Such cute girls!


Stretching to "Frozen" music

Josh joining in

My crafty Madelyn!

Frozen cake!

Opening presents at home!