The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, August 2, 2014

6 year Anniversary!

Today Sam and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary!  We had a low key day since Sam had to work in the morning.  But we did go to our favorite Thai restraint for dinner....Pad Thai!  Sam and I would always go there when we first started dating and when we got married and lived in the Northside.  It is absolutely amazing.  So tonight we went back there.  We didn't really have anyone to watch Cora and Josh so we decided to take them with us.  Cora was SO excited she put on her Easter dress because she wanted to look special.  Josh put on his cowboy boots to look special!  The kids were perfect at dinner and we had a lovely meal.  Happy anniversary to my husband...cheers to many more years to come!

Celebrating with the people I love the most at Pad Thai!

What a wonderful, magical day!

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