The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Josh turns 3 -Pool Party!

Josh turns 3 tomorrow (Aug. 24th).  Not sure how this could be?!!  I can remember it like was yesterday the day he came into our lives.  He has brought so much joy to our lives and completed our family of four.  He is very energetic, curious, smart, and funny!  But most of all, he is the kindest little guy I have ever met.  He is so sweet and caring. Josh melts my heart with his sweetness every day!
We are leaving for the beach on his birthday, so yesterday we had a little pool party for him.  He invited his cousins Madelyn and Ellie, John Thomas, Johnny, Lily, Sawyer, and Samantha.  All of the kids had a great time and the weather turned out to be perfect!  We stayed and swam until 8:30 PM!  Josh wanted a dinosaur theme, so a dinosaur theme is what he got:)  It was perfect evening celebrating a special little guy.  Last Sunday he celebrated with the Nolan side of the family for a pool party too!  I had to work, but he had a blast with all of his cousins and Grammie and Papa!!  This guy has a had a busy week of celebrating!  We are having a birthday dinner tomorrow night at the beach, and then I think he will be all done with parties:)
Nana and Pop stopped by this afternoon and gave Josh a balance bike!  He LOVES it and we can't wait for him to get lots of practice!!
Happy Birthday sweet Joshua Hudson...I love you to the moon and back...always & forever...

Taking the balance bike for a spin!

So excited!

Checking it out!

Practicing with Daddy!

Cora and her Pop:)

Love these three!

The group, only missing Sawyer!

He was so cute opening presents!!

Very serious about it!

Girl's table!

Boy's table!

My love:)

Enjoying his pizza


He was very possessive about his gifts! 

Favorite picture...

My little guy!


Make a wish!

Needed a little help getting to the candles!

Meg and her boys!

Playing with Johnny!

Friday, August 22, 2014

The end to summer....

Summer is wrapping up and we are heading to the beach in a couple of days.  When we return it's school time!   Here are some pictures of our August fun...

Helping Daddy clean out his car!

Love my little guy!

Summer night bubbles!

Josh opening his mail to see which teacher he got!

It's Mrs. Hennessey (who Cora had!)

Playing with Papa at the Nolan's pool

They were having a blast!

Love this face...

Having fun with Eli and Luca at the pool!

Happy 82nd Birthday Meme!!

Meme celebrated her 82nd birthday this past weekend.  We had a fun birthday party for her with lots of good food!  It was a great night to celebrate our Meme!!  The kids loved singing her Happy Birthday and helping her blow out her candles.  What a great night to celebrate with our Meme and we wish her many, many more happy birthdays to come!

Helping her open presents!

Helping out!

Meme gave Josh his present since we will be at the beach.
He was so excited (wearing Madelyn's shoes!)

Thanking Meme!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Busch Gardens at Night!

We wanted to get one more Busch Gardens trip in this summer.  We decided to change it up a bit and leave in the afternoon and stay until the fireworks.  We went on a Saturday so Sam and Bill could go.  It was very crowded but at least it was not a hot day at all.  We had to wait in longer lines but we got to ride a good amount of rides!  Poor Josh was upset because he's not quite tall enough for some of the rides his sister and cousins get to ride.  Next year he will be able to!  We all had a fun time and can't wait to go again, most likely in the Spring!

Hands up!

First ride of the evening...

Cousin love

More cousin love

Josh loved riding with his Daddy

All smiles!

Madelyn and Josh are quite the little pair

Rapid Rapids!

Well worth the long line wait!

Cora got the "most soaked" award!

Happy 7th Birthday Lena!

Lena Belle turned 7 on August 7th!  We wanted to give her a little celebration for her special day.  Cora, Josh and I got her a little dog bone cookie with Happy Birthday on it.  She only ate one bite and hid the rest in our backyard.  Such a Lena thing to do.  I also got cupcakes for us, the McGuire's and Nana.  Of course Josh decided to eat icing on almost all of the cupcakes right before the party.  Such  Josh thing to do!  But we sang Happy Birthday to our sweet girl and she did look very happy in the pictures!  We love our Lena Belle and can't wait to have many more celebrations with her!

Lena and her Daddy.  She always has her tongue out in pictures!

Cora giving Lena some love on her special day!

The party!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

6 year Anniversary!

Today Sam and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary!  We had a low key day since Sam had to work in the morning.  But we did go to our favorite Thai restraint for dinner....Pad Thai!  Sam and I would always go there when we first started dating and when we got married and lived in the Northside.  It is absolutely amazing.  So tonight we went back there.  We didn't really have anyone to watch Cora and Josh so we decided to take them with us.  Cora was SO excited she put on her Easter dress because she wanted to look special.  Josh put on his cowboy boots to look special!  The kids were perfect at dinner and we had a lovely meal.  Happy anniversary to my husband...cheers to many more years to come!

Celebrating with the people I love the most at Pad Thai!

What a wonderful, magical day!