The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sam turned the big 40 on Sunday!  On Friday night we went out with some of his close friends to Friday Cheers.  It was so nice to get out with no kids in tow!  Cora and Josh spent the night at Nana and Pop's.  On Sunday I had to work, but he had his family over for a BBQ.  Everyone had a great  time and the weather was great to hang out outside!  Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!!

Out with the Ash's!

Hurley giving him some bday kisses!

Sam and his Mom!

Sam and his parents!

A little bit of May!

May has been a busy month with finishing school, enjoying warm weather, and spending lots of time outside!  Cora has also been busy losing her two bottom teeth!  This girl officially lost her first tooth (bottom middle) on May 11th.  She quickly lost the one right next to it on May 20th!  The tooth fairy has been very busy around here!!  We are so excited to start summer vacation and enjoy the pool!  Here are some pictures from May!

First lost tooth!

This little guy is keeping us on our toes lately!!

He is a tree climber!

Cora got her hair done while I got mine cut!

So sassy!

Josh got a little Mohawk!

Her new thing she wants me to do is put her hair in a little braid!

Goodbye second bottom tooth!

Chuckie Cheese with Lillian!

Lillian and Cora getting their picture sketched together

Josh loved riding the horse at Chuckie Cheese! 
Cowboy boots and all!

Preschool Graduation!

It's hard to believe that my little girl just had her last day of Preschool.  She spent 3 years at The Gingerbread Cottage.  She had awesome teachers and made great friends.  It was an amazing experience for her and they prepared her well for Kindergarten.  It's still hard to believe in a few months I will be putting my baby girl on a school bus.  I have to admit, when I picked her up on her last day of school I got teary eyed in the carpool line.  Her teacher was hugging her and she looked so grown up.  This has been our routine for the past 3 school years and now it's all about to change.  If I got teary eyed at that I'm not sure how I'm going to handle her getting on that school bus!!  I can't express how proud  I am of her and can't wait to see her thrive in elementary school.  She truly makes me so proud of her every day. 
She did awesome in her end of the year program..."A Day at the Zoo."  She was a very cute little Zebra!  She did so well on stage and made me so proud!  Hard to believe next year I will be watching my Joshua on stage!  I love you Cora Hillyer-reach for the stars and I'll always be right behind you all the way....

My Zebra singing away

Her end of the year art project

Showing off her artwork!

At attempt at a family picture...
Are you ready for this guy GBC?!

Sweet, sweet friends

Cora and Lillian love their teacher from last year, Mrs. Hennessey.
Josh will have Mrs. Hennessey next year!

What a great year with Mrs. Missimer!

Nana gave Cora "Oh, The Places You'll Go!"

Josh is ready for next year!

Love this picture of these two!

Waiting to get her diploma from Mrs. Missimer

My graduate!

What a great year she had!

Happy Mother's Day!

Last weekend we celebrated Mother's Day!  We celebrated on Saturday since I worked on Sunday.  Nana and Pop had everyone over to their house for a nice BBQ dinner!  It was so nice to have the kids play, eat good food, and enjoy each other's company.  I truly have the most amazing Mom in the world.  She is always there for everyone and is the rock of our family.  We are all so lucky to have her!!  I am also so thankful to be a Mom to my amazing little babies.  They are the light of my life and I can not express how much I love them! 

My boys!

My babies!

My little family:)

Kelly and I are so lucky to have the most amazing Mom!!