The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Break!

Last week was Spring Break.  Kelly and I wanted to get out of town for a few days just for a change of scenery!  Aunt Doris and Uncle Harold were so nice to let us stay in their time share in Williamsburg for a few days!  It was a perfect setup for all of us.  Aunt Doris and Nana stayed in one condo, and Kelly and I with the kids were in the other.  We all had such a fun time!  We went to the indoor pool, played putt-putt, went to Jamestown, and even ate at I-Hop (long story how we ended up there but it was delicious, ha!!)   What a great get-a-way for all of us!

I think Josh loved putt-putt the most!

The crew ready to play!

Cora lost interest but finished strong :)

The indoor pool was...interesting :)

A highlight for the group!  Bubble bath!


Excited to check out Jamestown!

Madelyn had learned about Jamestown in school!

Love these two:)

It was a chilly day for April!

Nana and Aunt Doris!

Josh and "Doe"

Josh LOVED the boats and water

What a crew in church!

The armor was a big hit with everyone

Captain Josh Nolan!

Love this picture

My babies and I!

Loved, loved, and loved the boats

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