The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Cora!

It seems like yesterday I was heading to St. Mary's hospital to meet my little girl and wondering if she would have red or brown hair?!  Our sweet Cora turned 5 years old yesterday!  We had an awesome party at Pump It Up (which she has been asking for this party since this summer!)  We had a ton of her friends and family for the party and it was a big turn out!  Cora had a blast and was exhausted by the end of the evening with all of that bouncing!  I am so proud of my sweet Cora and the little girl she has become.  She is smart, funny, energetic, kind, and loving.  She amazes me every day with something new.  Her beautiful little face makes me smile along with her short red hair.  I am so thankful to be her mom.  She (and her brother) are what make life so exciting and adventurous.  I love you the moon and back my sweet Cora Hillyer!!

And a huge THANK YOU to my sister for taking these amazing pictures with her new camera:)  She is now our professional photographer for all events!

Two precious girls

So excited to get the party started!

So excited when Daddy came!

Josh LOVED everything!!

Awesome picture!!

Here comes Cora!

So excited!

William and Alex C. from her class...she is in boy heaven!

The group!

Princess Cake!

Ready to eat!

Singing Happy Birthday!

Josh loving his juice

The amazing party favors my Mom made...what a talented Nana we have!

Cora and Nana...they sure do love each other:)

The birthday girl with her Mama and Daddy!

Grammy and Cora!

The girls (of course sitting next to each other)!

Cora adores her Pop

Opening her presents

She got some great gifts!!

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