The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, September 19, 2013

First Day of School!

Last week Cora started her first day of preschool of her LAST year of preschool.  Wow has time flown!  It seems just like yesterday I signed her up for the 2 1/2 year old program for 2 days a week.  She went three days last year, and now she is still going to go three days again.  I still wanted that one extra day with her at home with me.  Her teacher this year is Mrs. Missimer and she goes to school Monday through Wednesday.  So far she loves school!  She misses a few of her friends from the past couple of years, but gets to see them on the playground which she enjoys:)  Hard to believe at this time next year I will have a Kindergartener!  And Josh will be in preschool...crazy!  I am cherishing these days with my babies not in school yet.  I know time goes too quickly and truly love to see them grow and flourish. 
Here are some pictures from her first day of school and we have been up to the past few weeks...

All ready for school!

Love to see how she has changed each year!

Playdate with Talia who was in town for a day!

Playing with Ellie at Stony Point Fountains!

Love this face:)

Josh is growing up so fast!

My little guy

Playing on a fall-like day!

My sassy girl!

Visiting Meme & having a picnic by the creek!

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Last week we had an amazing trip to the OBX!  We stayed in our usual house on the water in Corolla.  It was an awesome week, probably one of my favorite trips ever!  It was so nice to have Cora and Josh be able to play on the beach and I could actually sit and relax!!  The kids absolutely loved the water and were so good all week.  We could not have asked for more perfect weather.  The Richters came for the end part of the week and spiced up the vacation!  It is always nice to have them around!  Cora loved to play with her cousins (especially Madelyn) in the ocean and Josh was content playing "bayball" on the beach.  Or he enjoyed a little golf too:)  Just give that boy a bat and ball and he is happy as can be!
Tom and Vera had a Christmas morning for us and surprised the kids with mini ipads!  It was so exciting for them, and especially exciting for the parents!!  What a great and generous gift from them:)  We are all ready for the big wedding to come next year!
What an amazing week and lots of memories were made for our family.  Until again next year.... :)

All ready to drive to the beach!

We have arrived!

"What's that?"

Serious about that sand!

Cora loved to build sand castles with her daddy!

Taking a minute to himself:)

They were both so fun on the beach!

Baseball with Dad!

Playing baseball with Uncle Bill

Loved getting thrown up in the air with Uncle  Bill

My beach beauty!

First day on the beach!

Cora with her bucket!

Painting a horse is always a must at the beach!

All done!

Posing with the bear...again and again:)

Love that smile!

More "bayball"

Sweet cousins!

My babies and I!

Love this in black and white!

Cora and Pop on the Ipad!

WaveRunner time!

The girls loved it!

So much fun!

Josh and his Dad;)

Love this picture of everyone!

Another day on the beach!

Snack time!

Taking a break!

We had a joint bday party for Sarah and Josh

Ready to party!

A little more serious picture:)

Opening presents!

Uncle Sam reading a book to everyone

Happy Birthday...again:)

A quiet moment with the boys...

Our family pic!

The grand finale....our group picture, always my fav!

Goodbye Summer!

Here are some pictures from our last weeks of summer (well of Cora!)...we were ready to go to the beach but sad the summer was passing us by.  Goodbye summer, hello fall!

Cora is so excited to take ballet and tap this fall!

What a beautiful face my girl has;)

All ready with their ballet bags from Nana!