The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Busytown & End of Pre Swim Team!

The end of part of this past week included Nana taking the girls to see Busytown at Theater IV which has become a tradition with Nana and her girls!  They all love going especially when Nana gets them front row seats!  Josh and I spent some quality time together while everyone was at the play so it was a win win situation!  The girls love spending their quality time with Nana, and we have enough playbills to prove it!!
Yesterday was the last day of Pre Swim Team for Cora.  She was so disappointed when I told her it was her last practice!  She absolutely loved Coach Kasey and even drew her a picture for her.  We are so proud of her going three days a week at 8am!!  Aunt KK helped us a lot considering two of the practices during the week fell on the days I work.  She was our life saver!!

Hard to believe summer is half way over and we will be going to the beach soon!!  What an awesome summer, and we have more to come!

There's my girl swimming a lap all by herself!

End of the year swim team donut party!

Nana and her girls at Busytown!

Getting autographs!

The love this!

So proud of my little fish!

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