The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Busytown & End of Pre Swim Team!

The end of part of this past week included Nana taking the girls to see Busytown at Theater IV which has become a tradition with Nana and her girls!  They all love going especially when Nana gets them front row seats!  Josh and I spent some quality time together while everyone was at the play so it was a win win situation!  The girls love spending their quality time with Nana, and we have enough playbills to prove it!!
Yesterday was the last day of Pre Swim Team for Cora.  She was so disappointed when I told her it was her last practice!  She absolutely loved Coach Kasey and even drew her a picture for her.  We are so proud of her going three days a week at 8am!!  Aunt KK helped us a lot considering two of the practices during the week fell on the days I work.  She was our life saver!!

Hard to believe summer is half way over and we will be going to the beach soon!!  What an awesome summer, and we have more to come!

There's my girl swimming a lap all by herself!

End of the year swim team donut party!

Nana and her girls at Busytown!

Getting autographs!

The love this!

So proud of my little fish!

Water Country USA!

So we finally decided we would brave Water Country this past Wednesday and it was well worth it!  We went all of the McGuire family (Uncle  Bill took off work) and Nana kept Josh.  Thank goodness Nana kept Josh...I really don't think he could have gone all day with us!  We also went with Kelly's neighbors so it was a great group!  The lines were a little long but the rides were awesome!  Cora's favorite ride was "all the rides" and my favorite were the Wave Pool and Hubba Hubba Highway.  It was such a great day and we now have a new summer activity for those hot days (well once a summer)!

Nana took Josh on the train at the mall...he loved it!

The group!

Best buds!

My little man!
Playing ball with Pop!

Happy Birthday Nana!

Last week we celebrated Nana's 61st birthday at our house.  It was a great evening with wonderful weather and food!  Our kids loved playing with their favorite people..Madelyn and Ellie of course!  We love our Mom/Nana so much beyond words.  She is truly the rock of our family and not a day goes by that we are so thankful for such a wonderful person she is.  We love you Nana!!

Nana and her little man!

The girls always make special cards for Nana!

What a relaxing evening!

They love their Nana!

What a cute crew...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A little bit of July...

As usual, summer is flying by.  We have definitely stayed busy by going to the pool, having playdates, going to Vacation Bible School, and much more.  Next week we are going to Water County and we can't wait!!
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks...

Having a playdate with John Thomas at the park!

John Thomas and Josh are about 5 months apart...We think they will be good friends!

Cora spinning her brother!

This face... LOVE!

And this face.....LOVE!

Having lunch at the pool!

Another haircut for the Josh man!

So proud of his new haircut!

Ellie and Cora at VBS!  Beautiful little faces!

4th of July!

Last week we had a wonderful 4th of July Celebration.  On Wednesday night (the day before 4th of July) we went to see fireworks and a patriotic band at Genworth with the McGuire's, Nana and Pop and some other friends.  It is a great family activity...simple and quick!  Cora and Josh loved playing with everyone!  This was the first time Josh has seen fireworks and he loved them!  He was not scared at all and was a trooper staying up late.  It was a great evening!
On the 4th of July went to the Nolan's and played in the pool and stayed up VERY late while we watched everyone put on the fireworks.  The Nolan's LOVE their fireworks on the 4th!!  We always look forward to the 4th and especially love to celebrate the real reason for the holiday...we live in an amazing country where we are blessed with freedom every day.  Happy 4th!!

Showing off their 4th of July gear!

My little man at Genworth!

Happy cousins

So sassy...

My two loves...