The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, January 26, 2012

5 months old!

Hard to believe, my sweet sweet Joshua is now 5 months old.  Time has flown!  Every minute with him is enjoyable.  He is the most sweet, loving, smiley little boy.  He has me wrapped around his little finger!  His eyes are amazing and his spikey hair makes me smile every time I look at him!  He has learned to just go with the flow since his sister is busy on the move doing different activities!  He LOVES to watch his big sister and every move she makes!  He rolls over both ways and has great strength with his legs!  He still wakes up once during the night. Some nights he lets us sleep through the night, but usually not!  Oh well, one day he will be sleeping through the night and I will miss those midnight snuggles from him (maybe?!).  We love you sweet Joshua, you are very loved!! 

He melts my heart!

Beautiful eyes!

Happy 5 months sweet boy!

Happy 30th Birthday to me!

On January 15th, I turned 30 years old!  I am now a 30 year old woman working full time and raising 2 kids.  I'm exhausted, but I'm loving every minute of it!  My family means everything to me and I couldn't be happier at this point in my life.  I LOVE being a mom of two children.  I can't wait for the next years in my 30's bring and watching how my children will grow!  Goodbye 20's, hello fabulous 30's!!

Everyone ready for birthday cake!

All the girls!

Sweet Ellie looking on!  And I just love my boy!

Joshua and I ready to blow out the candles!

Happy Birthday to me!


Once again life has been so busy I have neglected the blog!  I have to re-cap  Christmas, which seems like forever ago!  We had a wonderful Christmas with both kids this year.  Joshua turned 4 months on Christmas Eve!  Cora was very into Santa and opening presents.  And of course celebrating Jesus and his birthday!  We gathered together at the Pickels side on Christmas Eve.  Joshua played Baby Jesus at St. Thomas' Christmas play.  Sam ended up taking him while Cora and I stayed at Nana and Pop's.  Needless to say, it was a very busy Christmas Eve!  I had to work at 11am on Christmas morning.  But I was so thankful to be able to watch everyone open their presents from Santa!  What a magical Christmas, and I can't wait until next year..when I have two mobile kids opening presents!

We went to see the Legendary Santa at the Children's Museum the week before Christmas!

Cousins and best friends!

Going to see Santa (Nana bought them their precious!)

A picture with the Snow Queen!

They got to ride the train outside!

Christmas Eve at Nana's!

Opening their ornament presents from Nana and Pop...this has become a tradition that we love!

Uncle Bill reading Twas The Night Before Christmas!

My sweet Cora and I!

Getting ready to pass out presents!

Santa came!

Twas the night before Christmas....

Christmas morning!  Da Da taking her down the stairs!

Going to find what Santa left her!

I don't know if she looks more suprised or just tired!

A doll house!

Opening her presents!

A new sleeping bag!

More presents!

Joshua watching Cora open his presents!

What a difference a year makes with opening presents!

4 months old on Christmas Eve!  Our little man is growing up!

All of our loot!

Da Da with his babies!

Mama with her babies!

I was working, but this is the only picture Da Da took when they were at Auntie Laurie's!  Merry Christmas!