The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Strawberry Picking!

A couple of weeks ago we went strawberry picking at the Chesterfield Berry Farm.  We went with Aunt Kelly's playgroup and had such a great time!  The weather was perfect and everyone was ready to pick strawberrys!  Of course Cora got very messy and ate all of her strawberrys.  We did not buy one strawberry!  Madelyn was very neat and little Ellie beat everyone in the messy department.  After picking strawberrys the girls played in the corn trough and then we had a nice picnic lunch.  Everyone was exhausted by the end of the day, especially Aunt Kelly and myself!  But we had a great time and can't wait until next year!  Next year will be very different because I will have two children with me!  Maybe we will get Nana to come help:)

Best friends!

Eating strawberrys!

Not sure what to think of the tractor ride!

Ellie not sure what to think either!

More picking!

Playing in the corn trough!

Always a favorite:)

No strawberrys at the end of the day!

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