The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Bunny & Petting Zoo!

Last year's trip to the Easter Bunny was a success because Cora was still too young to be scared.  We thought this year would turn out like our Santa Claus picture, but we were wrong!  She was a little nervous at first, but she actually did just fine!  She would not sit on his lap, but she stood right by him and held Madelyn's hand.  She didn't smile, just looked nervous.  Poor Ellie was the most upset, but she still was so cute!  Then we went to the Petting Zoo and petted all of the animals.  Cora is an animal fanatic and we can't wait to take her to the zoo this year!  She had fun with all of her friends, and especially her cousins.  So far, this Easter is a success! 

Her beautiful Easter dress!

Jack giving her a little love!

Petting all of the animals!

She has no fear!

Loved the little bunny rabbits.  Little Ellie is watching on!

Taking a look at the little ducks!

She was dirty by the end of the visit!

All I can say is PRECIOUS!  Love all three of those girls so much!  Next year a little boy will be in the mix! 

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