The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Broken Foot :(

This is a late post, but almost 2 weeks ago I broke my foot putting Cora in her carseat.  I slipped off the curb and we both went down!  Luckily, Cora was fine, but her mommy was not!  I broke my cuboid bone in my left foot.  I have a partial cast on now and hopefully soon I will be in a walking boot!  It has been so hard taking care of an almost 2 year old, but I am so thankful for my family helping me out!!  Nana has been amazing and we even have spent the day with Aunt Kelly!  Aunt Kelly took us out to dinner, which is a whole other story, haha!  We are also so thankful for Grammy.  Cora has spent a few days Grammy's house & has had a blast!  She loves to play with the Nolan cousins!!  Thank you so much Grammy:)  And of course I am so lucky to have my husband who has had to put up with me during this ordeal-you are the BEST!  Thank you everyone for helping me out!   Here is a picture of my sweet little girl helping take care of her mommy.  She has been very concerned over my foot, and always brings me my crutches when I need them!  When we both fell off the curb, we were sitting on the ground and as tears were in my eyes, she kept rubbing my hair saying "You OK Mommy?"  I don't think I can ever express in words how greatful I am to have my little angel in my life and how much I love her!  I love you Cora Hillyer!!
Snuggling with mommy!

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