The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, November 27, 2010


This year we had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We had Thanksgiving lunch at Nana and Pop Pop's followed by a Thanksgiving dinner at Grammy and Papa's house!  Cora had such a great time seeing all of her cousins, she was exhausted by the end of the day!  We are so grateful for all we have, especially our friends and family!  Next week we will be celebrating Cora's 2nd Birthday!!  Where has the time gone!?  Here are a few pictures from our big turkey day:)

Pop Pop and his girls, love this picture!

Nana & Pop Pop with their girls

Reading a Thanksgiving book from Nana!

Thanksgiving Lunch!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Broken Foot :(

This is a late post, but almost 2 weeks ago I broke my foot putting Cora in her carseat.  I slipped off the curb and we both went down!  Luckily, Cora was fine, but her mommy was not!  I broke my cuboid bone in my left foot.  I have a partial cast on now and hopefully soon I will be in a walking boot!  It has been so hard taking care of an almost 2 year old, but I am so thankful for my family helping me out!!  Nana has been amazing and we even have spent the day with Aunt Kelly!  Aunt Kelly took us out to dinner, which is a whole other story, haha!  We are also so thankful for Grammy.  Cora has spent a few days Grammy's house & has had a blast!  She loves to play with the Nolan cousins!!  Thank you so much Grammy:)  And of course I am so lucky to have my husband who has had to put up with me during this ordeal-you are the BEST!  Thank you everyone for helping me out!   Here is a picture of my sweet little girl helping take care of her mommy.  She has been very concerned over my foot, and always brings me my crutches when I need them!  When we both fell off the curb, we were sitting on the ground and as tears were in my eyes, she kept rubbing my hair saying "You OK Mommy?"  I don't think I can ever express in words how greatful I am to have my little angel in my life and how much I love her!  I love you Cora Hillyer!!
Snuggling with mommy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Madelyn!

Madelyn turns 3 on November 16th, but she had her birthday party this past Friday at Romp-N-Roll!  Cora had so much fun playing with her cousin and there were a ton of kids there!  We had cupcakes at the end of the party and of course, it was Cora's favorite part!  As usual, Miss Madelyn was the last to finish, Cora was the first!  I am still in a cast for my broken foot, so I enjoyed being a spectator while Nana and Sam helped Cora!  We had such a great time at the party and we are so lucky to have such a wonderful, cute, and sweet niece!  We love you Madelyn Grace!!

Playing on the slide with Nana!

Cora loved running all over the place!

Of course she loves to drink juice!

The birthday girl!

Loved that cupcake!

Playing with the parachute!

She loved the dance party and bubbles at the end!
Riding home with her balloon!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had such a fun Halloween this year, especially now that Cora was able to participate in trick-or-treating!  Last year she was only crawling, this year she was running from house to house and saying "trick-or-treat!"  On the Friday before Halloween, we went to Nana and Pop-Pop's neighborhood gathering.  Cora and Madelyn took pictures with the group of kids and then went door to door to get candy!  The girls had so much fun!  On Halloween we went to the Nolan's Halloween party and had a blast!  Cora danced to Halloween songs with her cousins and then went trick-or-treating with the group!  She was full of energy the entire time, and outlasted some of her older cousins!  We had such a great time and can't wait for next year!

Ready to go to Nana and Pop Pop's neighborhood party

Minnie Mouse and Tinker Bell

Such a sweet little Minnie!

Pop-Pop pulling the girls in the wagon

The group picture!

First time trick-or-treating ever!

Aunt Doris handing out candy to Madelyn

Lots of candy and done for the night!

Dance party at the Nolans!

Autumn, Stella, and Cora

Cora was not sure what to think of Aunt Susie!

The Nolan clan!

Papa and Cora!

Loves her glasses!

Hanging out with Beau!