The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Cora's Talent Show!

Cora auditioned for Echo Lake's talent show back in March with her good friend Katy.  They made the talent show and have been practicing so hard for their dance routine!!  They did a dance routine to Katy Perry's Roar.  Cora's dance teacher helped them with a routine and they have gotten together once a week to practice for the last month and a half!  Last Tuesday night was the big night and we were all so excited!  Cora and Katy did amazing!!  We were so proud of them! Cora had so much confidence on stage it was awesome to watch!  She is quite the little performer!  What a fun and exciting night!!

The end of the routine!

They were so cute together!

They were in sync the whole time together!

I couldn't get a pic but she did the splits in the routine!
Her favorite part!

What cute friends!

Cora loved Madelyn and Ellie coming to see them perform!
They were so cute giving Cora flowers!

There were 52 acts!

Mrs. Aveson is a first grade teacher and put on a great show!

Spring Soccer!

Soccer is in full force around here!  Cora and Josh are loving playing and you usually can find us on the soccer field for a few hours on Saturdays!  Here are some pics from last weekend!

All ready to go!

Josh and Mason are on U4 and love it!

My little soccer player doing drills!

Getting ready to scrimmage!

My girl on the field!

Go Bumblebees!

She is fast!

Random picture of Cora and Lillian playing in the yard!
Friends since they were 2 years old!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Kids 1 Miler Race and Spring Soccer!

We were so proud of Cora for running the 1 mile race on Saturday!  She did the Kids Run which is apart of the Monument Ave. 10K!  She ran with her Papa who is very involved in running and biking around Richmond!  Since January she has practiced with Echo Lake's Running Club every Saturday morning.  She was very dedicated running in 10 degree weather sometimes!  We were so proud of her!  Spring soccer started on Saturday and it was COLD! Between watching her run in the race and then play soccer, we were all frozen by the end of the day! She is on the U7 Bumblebees this year and playing with a lot of her former teammates!  Josh starts next week with his U4 team and he can't wait!  You know where to find us every Saturday for the next couple of months!

Showing off her medal!

She was so excited for her food at the end of the race!

Just finished!

Katy and Cora with the VCU Ram!

Papa and Cora!

Echo Lake Running Club!  You can see her with the pink and black hat on

Cora loves Abby!

Having fun with her teammates! 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Spring Break 2016!

We had an amazing Spring Break this year!  This was our second year in a row renting a house for a few days in Nags Head with family and friends!  This year we went with the McGuire, Layne, and Ackerman families!  The weather was a bit of a challenge but we all had a BLAST!  It was a short but fun trip and we can't wait until next year!  And we really can't wait for our family beach trip in August!  We love the beach!!

The group at the dunes!

A few of the kids!

Driving down the beach! They were so excited!

The first afternoon we were there!  

Evening walk on the beach!

My sleeping babies!

Morning iPad session!


This girl LOVES the beach!

What a group!

My guy loves a shovel

They all had so much fun!

Missing 2 kids...Finn and Holden

The hot tub was a big hit

These kids stayed in the hot tub for hours

Jumping pic!

Brew Thru shirts!

Little outlines on the dunes!

Cousin love!

My boys!

Family Pic!

My sweet babies!

Selfie (Sam was thrilled!)

This guy ran and ran and ran on the dunes

And my girl wanted to do hand stands and cart wheels

Yay for a heated pool!

Seafood dinner!  Delicious!