The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

More March Pics!

Here are some pictures from the end of March!

Always with her baby cousin!

Melt my heart with his Spring pictures from school!

A little Sweet Frog fun

Spring Break fun...Maymont!

It was a beautiful day!

These kids climbed and ran and never ran out of energy!

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter this year!  I worked on Easter day but we had a great time with the McGuire's and Nana and Pop the day before Easter!  We went to the McGuire's neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and had a great time!  It was great company, good food, and lots of eggs to find!

Before the egg hunt...Josh was not in the mood to be in the picture!


Cora always helping her sweet cousin

My sweet pretty girl:)

Now he's in the mood to find eggs!

This was a pretend you're looking for an egg picture!

My sweet guy!

My Easter babes!

Dog cousins!

They decided to give the Easter Bunny lots of carrots this year!

Hugh Hefner pose for Josh

Annual cousin pic!

Ready to go eat lunch at Aunt KKs!

Early morning Easter basket find!

So happy!

Ready to look for their baskets!

Happy girl!

Thumbs up!  Happy Easter!!

Happy Birthday Ellie!

Our sweet little Ellie turned 6 on St. Patrick's Day!  We got to spend the evening with her and have cake and ice cream and watch her open her presents!  I missed most of her Twist birthday party because I was at a good friend's bridal shower, but Cora and Josh had a blast!  Happy Birthday sweet Ellie!!  We love you!!

Happy Birthday!

Singing to our sweet girl!

Loved opening presents!

This was after the Twist birthday party..the older girls reading to her!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

A bunch of pics!

Here are a bunch of pictures of what we've been up to!  Trying to keep up while having the house on the market, fun times! :)

Taking the younger brothers out while their sisters were at the dance!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from this guy!

Girl Scout meeting at the Valentine Museum!

Loved this historic house!

Good listeners!

The group!

Cora's first grade performance!

She loves her brother and Lillian!

Muffins with Mom!

Field Trip to Crump Park!

Love her class!

Getting her nails done before the Daddy Daughter Dance!

Nail time!

Final Result!

Holding her brother for some reason!

She LOVES her Daddy!

Love this!

Sweet friends!

Cora was SO animated!

Got her Jazz costume for the recital!

Holding her brother, again!

This guy...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!