The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Happy 40th Anniversary Mom and Dad!

On Saturday we took Nana and Pop out for their 40th anniversary at The Boathouse.  Uncle Harold and Aunt Doris were also able to join  us!  It was a wonderful evening with great wine, food, and company.  Nana and Pop are such an amazing couple and really are great role models for our family.  After all these years they are still so in love with each other.  There are no words to express how much we all love them!!!  We can't wait to celebrate many more wonderful anniversaries with them!!

What a cute couple!!

Still looking great!

What a great view!

Love them!

Sam and I :)

Our original family, the four of us :)

Are you here yet, Spring?!

Last week we had a few nice days, but these past days have been cold!  We even saw a little snow yesterday.  Warmer temps are coming and we can't wait!  Last week Kelly and I took the kids to Skate A Way in Midlothian.  It was perfect roller skating for the kids!  They had a little lesson, played with balls, and even had a little snack.  It really was a great morning!  The only thing missing was Miss Madelyn!  Also last week the kids and I took a walk to Echo Lake park before dinner.  They love to ride bikes and walk over to the park.  Their favorite part is going to visit "Secret Island."  Secret Island is a little section on the lake that they kids walk to and they pretty much think it's the coolest thing ever.  We love be able to walk over to the park and plan on doing a lot of it this Spring!

Aunt KK helping the girls! 

Ellie and Cora:)

The girls did great!

Josh loved playing with the big balls, not surprising!

Cora really got the hang of it!

On "Secret Island"

The love to bounce on this limb, every time

Just a little bike ride

My babies

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A little March fun...

Here are a few pictures of some fun things we have done in March.  Spring is on the way and we are counting the days!!!!

Playing outside with John Thomas!

My babies!

Too cute

Keeping Ellie for the morning one day

Cora and Ellie sure do love each other!

Willie Wonka was amazing!!

Post play playing at the McGuire house!

Enjoying the sun on a warm day!

Josh's first trip to the dentist, he did great!!
Cora was an amazing big sister!

The Roth's came to town and Cooper slept over!

They are so cute together!

Haircuts at Sports Clips!

Josh's new haircut

A little St. Patrick's Day fun

Playdate with John Thomas!

These two have fun together!

Happy 4th Birthday Ellie!

Our little St. Patrick's Day baby is now 4!  Not sure how this is possible! I can remember waiting for her to be born at St. Mary's!!  She is such a beautiful, smart, funny, sassy little girl!  We always have a fun time with our Ellie!  I didn't get many good pictures at her birthday party at Romp n Roll on Friday because of lighting and everyone moving fast!  But here are a few! Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

What a fun party!

The 4 year old!

Cora was Ellie's little buddy at the party

Singing happy birthday!

Hope 1 Miler!

A couple of weekends ago we had the Hope 1 Miler Race at Hope Church.  Nana and Pop belong to Hope and this is our second year signing up the kids to run the race!  They have a blast and even Josh ran it this year!!  Afterwards we enjoyed bounce houses and even a fire truck!  I was so proud of Madelyn, Ellie, Cora and Josh!  They all did awesome!!

The cousins!

The group!

Cora did AWESOME!  She ran the entire time!


Madelyn and Aunt KK

Pop ran with Ellie and Josh went up to her at the end and said "GOO!"

So proud of his ribbon!

Our family post race!

Josh and his Daddy

Cora and I ran together!

Finishing strong!

Josh LOVED the fire truck!