The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Washington DC Zoo!

Cora, Josh and I took a little road trip to visit Auntie Linz this past week.  We had an awesome time and Cora and Josh loved the city.  We had so much fun visiting and we even had a successful night of all three of us sleeping in one room.  The zoo was HUGE, so it was quite and adventure we had.  Everyone was exhausted by the end of the day, but well worth it!  We saw a lot of animals and had a good time overall.  We can't wait to go visit again!!

At the Zoo!

Posing with Auntie Lindz!

We loved the elephant!

Looking on in amazement!

They loved the seals!

Baby and sister born in December

They were so cute!

Our little golfer!

Josh has picked up a new hobby...golfing:)  It appears he is a lefty golfer like his Pop.  Nana and Pop took care of Josh this past weekend when Cora and Sam went up to New Jersey to visit family.  I had to work so Josh had a blast with his grandparents!  They even took him to the driving range..what a treat!!  He is actually pretty good at golfing, maybe one day he will be playing with Pop and Uncle Bill!  Here are some other random summer photos from our August days....

Josh and John Thomas on a pool date

The girls love to dress up!

Everyone watching Brave!

Our little golfer practicing in Nana and Pop's yard!

What form!

Pop helping out!

He kept hitting ball after ball after ball!

At the driving range!

So serious!

Tips from the professional golfer!

Love love love this picture of these two...

Playing doctor...

Love these eyes!

Swim Team Award Ceremony!

The Church Run swim team had an award ceremony the other week and Cora received a medal for the end of the season!  She was so excited and proud of herself.  A lot of her little friends were there to receive their medals, along with Madelyn!  It was a perfect ceremony and we are so excited that she will do swim team next year!!  It is such a great summer activity and Cora loved every second of it!!

Cousins and their medals!

My girls!

So proud of my little fish!