The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A few more pics...

Here's some more random pictures of Cora and Josh...

I'm thinking a scholarship for baseball :)

A bath time face....

My little snuggle bug!

Sisterly brotherly love!

Josh can really vacuum!

Another haircut for my boy's fast growing hair

We love eating outside!!

Cora's Spring Program!

On Tuesday Cora had her Gingerbread Cottage Spring Program.  Nana taught at the Gingerbread Cottage years ago, so she knows how special the program is for the preschool students.  Nana, Pop, Meme, the McGuire's, and our family came to see Cora perform.  The theme was "Down on the Farm" and Cora's class were ducks.  We are so proud of her and all of her accomplishments this past year.  Next year is her last year of school, and then Kindergarten!!  How did this happen??  My little girl is growing up before our eyes, and I couldn't be more proud of her!

She was the line leader for her class!!

Hard to get far away pics, but there she is!

My little duck!

She sang great!

Her little artwork displayed at the reception!

Cora and Talia!

Love love love my girl!

Strawberry Picking & Mother's Day!

Last week we went strawberry picking at Chesterfield Berry Farm.  We went with the McGuire's, Nana, and some friends from work.  The kids had a great time picking strawberries, especially Cora!  Josh got the hang of it too, but ate more strawberries than he picked!  We also enjoyed the hayride, cornpit, and looking at the animals!  Josh and I left a little early because he was so tired, poor little guy! 
We celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday because I worked on Sunday.  We gathered at Aunt KK's to have a nice cookout.  We ate delicious food and the kids played in the backyard and had a blast.  I am so lucky to be the mom to my beautiful little girl and my precious little boy.  They are the most amazing children I could ever ask for.  I am also so lucky to have my Mom...she is absolutely amazing and we don't know what we would do without her!  She is a dedicated wife, mother, and grandmother.  We all love her so much and she is definitely the rock of our family!

Cora striking a pose!

Josh had so much fun!

Cora and her partner in crime!

Nana and her sweet boy!

The McGuire girls!

Love Cora's curls!

My little man!

My loves!

Cora and Josh brought me a balloon for Mother's Day!

Picnic at the McGuire's!

The best Mom ever....

Jay and Molly!

Cora and Josh LOVE to dance to Jay Ungar and Molly Mason's music.  We DVR'd a show they did months ago and they've been dancing to their music ever since!  We found out that they were performing at the Cultural Arts Center in Glen Allen, which is literally right down the street!  We bought tickets and were so excited to take Cora!  Josh would most likely disrupt the entire show, so he stayed with Nana and Pop.  We were most definitely the youngest of the group, but Cora did not care.  She put on a pretty dress and enjoyed every minute of it!  We had a great night out together, what a special treat with our little girl!

Ready to go!

Cora was so excited!

Before the show started! 

Re-cap of April!

Back to the blogging world, my computer had a little issue, but now I have it back!  We have been very busy the last couple of months.  April had some interesting weather, but we are now headed towards warmer weather and summer!  Here are a few pictures from April....

Josh really loves Cora's cowgirl boots!

My sweet boy is really growing up!!


Monument Ave 10K!!

We did it!

Cora and Ellie with their gymnastics certificates!

We went to Maymont on a nice day!

This little man LOVES apples!

Playdate with Lillian!

That face...I just love it!