The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy St. Patty's Day & Happy 3rd Birthday Ellie!

Little Miss Ellie turned 3 this past weekend on St. Patrick's Day!  The party was planned for Saturday, but poor Ellie was sick with strep and croup:(  The party got moved to the next day (her actual birthday and St. Patty's Day), but unfortunately I had to work!  So Sam took Cora and Josh and I hear that everyone had a blast!  Aunt KK send me some pictures from the here they are!  Happy Birthday sweet Ellie, we love you!

Josh showing his tattoo!

Ready to get some candy from the piƱata!

Josh and Ellie love to play together, they are actually only 18 months apart!

Yummy cupcakes!

Looks like Cora is very into Ellie's presents!

Ellie was not her 100% self that day, poor

Aunt KK says this pictures sums up the party!

My St. Patrick's Day babies!

Just a random photo from this week

So sweet Cora helping Josh zip his jacket!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hello March!

We are anxiously awaiting warm weather and Spring to come!  March has had a few warm days so far, but more cold than warm.  We have been staying busy and fighting off colds off and on.  Last week we had a surprise snow storm, which we got about 5 or so inches of wet snow!  Cora and Josh had a cold so we stayed inside and watched it fall:) 
Last Saturday Nana and Pop's church held a 5K and 1 mile Kid's Run.  Madelyn, Cora, and Ellie all ran the Kid's Run and it was a success!  Cora was at the end of her cold, so she was definitely not 100%.  She ran with her Daddy and enjoyed it when he carried her during the middle of the race!  Madelyn was the star of the race by never stopping!  We were so proud of her!  Ellie was her cute self and cut midway during the race so she could finish with her sister and cousin!  Afterwards we enjoyed some food and the kids played in the bouncy house.  It was a fun morning and we can't wait to make this an annual event for the kids!  Thanks Nana and Pop for making this happen, we love you!

Hanging out indoors!

The snow was starting!

It really came down hard for many hours!

A visit to the doctors office  

Ready to race!

It was a chilly morning.  Sam, Pop, Aunt KK, and Uncle Bill ran with the girls!

Cora started off holding Aunt KK's hand

Here comes Madelyn!

Here comes Cora!

Josh was an awesome cheerleader!!

My little runner!

The girls with their Hope 5K t-shirts!

What a fun morning with our girls (and Josh!)

We got outside on a warm afternoon the other day!

The best jackets!