The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Look Who's Walking!

Josh is walking!!  He just about started walking when his big sister did...around 14 months.  We were so sure he was going to walk earlier, but he showed us that he would walk when he was ready!  He is just so cute walking...he looks like a little Frankenstein.  Our little Josh is now more busy than ever walking everywhere...he keeps us on our toes as always!!

His new favorite thing to do is walk into the pantry...and make a mess!

On our way to the vet the other day!

And there he is...browsing Party City!

Halloween 2012!

I am a little late with this Halloween post, but better late than never!  It's hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week, but let's track back a few weeks ago to Halloween!  I was in charge of Cora's class Halloween party with another Mom.  Halloween day started with her school parade.  Cora got to wear her Halloween costume to school, which she was super excited about!  Josh and I enjoyed watching her and he kept waving at his big sister, so cute!  Then Nana kept Josh and I went back to school for her party.  She kept kissing and hugging on me the whole time.  She was just so excited I was there!
That night we went to Grammy and Papa's for our annual trick or treating with the Nolan cousins.  Cora had a blast as usual.  Josh and I stayed in with Grammy and ate food:)  It was chilly outside!!  Overall it was an awesome Halloween.  Can't wait for Thanksgiving!!

In the parade with Lillian and Alex (she has a huge crush on Alex!)

It was a cold morning...I kept telling her to roll down her sleeves!

Cora and Alex:)

So excited at the party!

Only 6 kids were in the class that day, 4 were sick!

Love, love, love my girl!

Cora and her wonderful teacher Mrs. Hennesey!

Ready to leave for the Nolans!

One of my favorite pictures:)

These two are going to be taller than me one day!!