The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Last Day of Soccer!

Well our first soccer season has come to an end!  I think we've all had enough fun on Saturday mornings for the past 8 weeks and now it's time to relax:)  Cora did an awesome job this season...a few tears here and there but overall did great!  She is not an aggressive kind of person, so she liked to run up and down the field and smile more than kick the ball!  Oh well, she had a good time and that's all that matters!  We'll see if she wants to play in the Spring...should be interesting!  I signed her up for Gymnastics starting next week.  I'm hoping she loves it...Nana will be taking her.  Good luck to Nana! :)

Josh may get in the soccer action eventually!

Last game with her friend and schoolmate Talia!

After soccer, we switched gears and got ready for a petting zoo birthday party...
Cowgirl boots and all!

Halloween Part I!

This past Thursday we had the annual Parke Halloween parade at Nana and Pop's!  It was a huge crowd this year and everyone really enjoyed it!  Cora was so excited to dress up with her brother and cousins.  We took some pictures and then went trick-or-treating.  The girls were very into it.  Josh is slowly starting to walk, but he is very SLOW!  So he rode in Nana's car and got pushed around.  He had his little Halloween bucket and would reach out for the candy, it was so cute!  We are ready for the real Halloween on Wednesday.  It is suppose to be much colder then, so we are glad we had warm weather for the parade!

The group at Nana and Pop's

My lady bug and lion!

Sweet brother and sister:)

Hand on hip...not suprising!

Nana and Pop with their grandkids!

Look at the lion standing all alone!

Oh my little lady bug...:)

Josh's ride!

Pumpkin Patch!

We have been so busy this fall! And we are loving every minute of it! This is a late post but a few weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch with the McGuire's and their neighbors Lissy, Anna, and Laney. It was so much fun and the weather was perfect! Cora picked out her pumpkins and of course had to get one for her daddy and brother. Nana kept Josh which helped me out a lot! What a fun day with just my girl and I!

A special day..just the two of us!
Playing in the corn pit!
Kelly and I with our girls!

Hanging out in the tire!

Head tilt!

Best friends;)

Ellie and Cora!

Look at that hair growing!  :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Apple picking!

This past Saturday we went to our favorite fall picking at Carter Mountain! We went with the Mcguires, Meehans and Nana! Pop was busy working in the yard:) We had a great time and picked our favorite apples in the Fuji orchard! Of course we had apple donuts and packed a picnic lunch! We also went on the hayride which is always a favorite! What a great time with friends and family...nothing like good ole' fall fun!!
Sweet brother and sister!
My little guy and I!
Loved apples!
Just love that face!
Madelyn, Cora and Lilie on the hayride!
Sam with the kids!
Fun times!

Picking out apples with Daddy!

He loves his mama:)

My girl and I!

Showing off her apples!
Cora and her best friend/cousin!
Holding hands!

Checking out the view!

Busch Gardens!

Last week we went to our annual fall Busch Gardens trip!! It was a little warmer than usual but we still had a blast! Cora enjoyed all the rides and even went on the roller coaster all by herself with Isabella. I even convinced Cora to ride the big swings with me...and she loved it!! Josh could only ride the little swings and he seemed to enjoy it;). What a wonderful day with love love fall activities! I didn't take too many pictures since I had a busy one year old to entertain since he couldn't go on the rides!
The girls were able to ride by themselves!
Josh's only ride he could go on!
So much fun!
Riding with Ellie!

Disney on Ice!

This past weekend we went to Disney on Ice with Aunt KK, Madelyn and Ellie! It was such an amazing show...the best we've seen yet! Cora was so excited, I loved to watch her excitement and share such fun times with her cousins! I enjoyed the show myself and get so excited to go every year!
Cora all ready to watch the show!
The girls were so excited!
Here we go!

What an awesome show!!

Cora and Ellie were all giggles, Madelyn took it all in!
Showing lots of love!  Poor Madelyn in a head lock!
My sweet Cinderella and I:)