The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Friday, August 17, 2012

New haircut!

I took Cora and Josh to get their haircuts the other day and it was a success! Joshua got a real haircut and Cora got a little trim. They say the more you trim her hair the more it will grow..which I think is working because it has grown a good amount since I got it trimmed it back in February and April. Josh looks so much older now it's crazy!! He is a handsome little guy and was so calm and cooperative during the cut! Totally not the same child at home!

New haircut...same little busy guy:)
Cora getting her "trim"!

Ta dah!

So handsome:)

He was an absolute angel!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Meme and Aunt Gerry!!

It is so amazing that Meme and Aunt Gerry celebrated their 80th birthday together last weekend! They are so cute together and the day was just wonderful. We met half way in between both families in Yorktown and ate at the Carrot Tree Kitchen. It was so cute and we all had a really nice time! It was so nice to see the twins celebrate together, which is something I have never seen before since Aunt Gerry lives in Virginia Beach! What a great day to celebrate such an awesome occasion!!

Delicious carrot cake!!
The birthday girls with Kelly and I!

Josh and Sam...I feel like they are starting to look more alike?!

The twins blowing out their candles!
Sweet cousins:)
The girls again!
Ready to eat!
My little man, I can't believe he is almost 1!