The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Coffee Talk!

Stella and Nolan spent the night last week and of course Cora had so much fun playing with her cousins.  It has become a tradition that every time they spend the night Sam makes all of them hot chocolate in the morning.  They all have their "Coffee Talk" time.  They look like little grown-ups sipping on their coffee mugs and chatting.  Here is a cute picture of the three of them.

Coffee Talk

Easter Day!

Unfortunately I had to work on Easter Sunday, but Sam and Cora went to Auntie Laurie's house and had an Easter celebration there!  Poor Nana got sick on Easter so they never made it over to Nana and Pop Pop's house.   But Cora had a blast playing with her cousins and having an Easter egg hunt.  Later in the week we had a little Easter egg hunt at Nana's when she was feeling better.  Aunt Doris even came over and  participated in the hunt!  Cora had so much fun playing with her cousins and looking for eggs.  We are very blessed this Easter...Cora is becoming a little girl with a huge personality more and more every day and we are so excited that Baby Boy Nolan will make his appearance at the end of the summer.  We can't wait to change the dynamic of our comes a boy!!

The Nolan family ready for Easter!

Grammy cooking!

Cousin Stella

Playing with her cousin Nolan

Grammy and Auntie Laurie gave Cora lots of goodies!

She loves her cousin Stella!

Hanging out with Beau!

The Easter egg hunt at Auntie Laurie's

Cora was getting use to finding eggs by now!
The Easter egg hunt at Nana's!
Such sweet cousins
Looking in the mulch for eggs!
The best picture we could get of the girls!
Busy looking for eggs!

My sweet girl in her pretty dress:)