The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Spring & Happy Birthday Ellie!

It's been a long time since I've posted anything, but it's been a busy time around the Nolan household!  But we are so happy Spring has arrived and for warmer weather!  Cora loves to be outside and play at the park, so it's been a long winter!  We love to play at our neighborhood school playground.  It's a short walk and she could play there for hours!  Also little Ellie celebrated her 1st Birthday on St. Patrick's Day!  This past Saturday she had her birthday party and we all had a great time!  We had great weather and food!  As always, Cora has so much fun with her cousins.  There is never a dull moment!  Here are some pictures from the park and Ellie's Birthday party!
Ohhh!  And we are expecting a little Baby Nolan #2 September 1st!!  I am 17 weeks pregnant now and feeling great!  We find out mid April if Baby Nolan is a girl or boy....most people are thinking boy so we shall see!  I can not wait for Cora to be a big sister, she is going to be fantastic!! 
She loves to climb and just stop and look around!

My sweet girl is growing up so fast.  She is just blossoming every day!

She loves the slide!

16 weeks pregnant here....this bump is a little smaller than when I was pregnant with Cora!

I just love this face:)

The McGuire family!  So cute;)

Ellie and Judah waiting to sing Happy Birthday and eat cake!

Cora loved all of Ellie's new presents!

Happy 1st Birthday sweet Ellie!  We love you!