The Nolan Family

The Nolan Family

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I had to work on Christmas Eve, but was very lucky to have Christmas Day off!  Sam and Cora spent Christmas Eve together and did a little shopping in Carytown.  Sam said that she wore her little red dress and put on quite a show for the shoppers in Carytown!  That's my girl!  Nana and Pop Pop joined us at the Nolan's for Christmas Eve dinner.  I met everyone there after work.  We had great food and of course got to sing our Christmas carols at the end of the night!  It's always a good time at the Nolan house!  On Christmas Day Sam and I were so excited for Cora to come downstairs and see what Santa had brought her!  She was a little scared to come downstairs because she thought Santa was still there, haha!  She covered her eyes as she came down the steps, poor little thing!  She loved her kitchen that Santa brought her along with all of her other toys!  She was a very good girl this year & she was rewarded!  What an awesome Christmas with our little girl, we could not ask for more.  I didn't get any pictures at Meme's for Christmas dinner (don't know why) but we had a very nice dinner over there with Nana, Pop Pop, and Uncle Bobby.  It was a wonderful day for all of us!!! 

Singing & dancing at the Nolans on Christmas Eve!

We had a blast!

Christmas morning!

Santa left a pile of presents!

Coming down the stairs with Daddy!

Tired and excited (it was a late night on Christmas Eve!)

She got so excited she started banging on the couch!

She went straight to the kitchen!

Our stockings were hung!

Opening presents with Daddy!

She LOVES her medical kit...maybe she'll be a nurse like her mommy:)

In her Christmas PJ's ready to go to the Nolans!

Loving her kitchen (and of course chewing on her new plastic food!)

Ready to go to Meme's for Christmas dinner!  Snow boots and all!  It started to snow in the afernoon on Christmas Day, we were so excited!

Lewis Ginter Festival of Lights!

Two days before Christmas we went to see the festival of lights at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens.  We met Pop Pop and Nana on this very cold night!!  We bundled up and set out to see the lights.  Cora loved running around, she never stopped!  She enjoyed looking at all of the lights and especially loved walking in the tunnel.  Afterwards we ate a delicious dinner in the Garden Cafe.  We had such a good time & afterwards we were all in the Christmas spirit!!

Walking through "the tunnel"

Our little family~Christmas 2010

Didn't quite understand the concept of the maze of lights!

Posing for the camera

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas with the Pickels!

This past Sunday we had an early Christmas celebration with the Pickels side of the family.  The McGuire's leave for Connecticut this week so we got together a little early to celebrate.  Meme and Uncle Bobby also came to join us!  We had such a great time...great food, gifts, and company!   This has been our first Christmas that we have had to deal with toy sharing.  Madelyn and Cora have a lot of fun together, but are learning how to share their toys with one another!  Maybe by next year it will be better:)  Overall, we had a great time.  I loved celebrating early because we still get to look foward to Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

The three girls... Madelyn (3), Ellie (9 months), Cora (2)

Playing around with Uncle Sam!

My little girl:)

She picked up the present & said "Too heavy mama!"

Giving Nana her special locket necklace!

Nana gave her a new baby and craddle!

Pop Pop with his new apron from his grandkids...It says "Grilling for my Grandkids" with their picture!

Loving her baby doll and diaper bag!

Cute Ellie!

Chopping up her food from the McGuire's!

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

So far this December we have been very busy!  I am finally off crutches so life has become much easier!!  This past week we have had our first snow.  They are even calling for snow on Christmas!  Cora was not sure what to think of the snow, but overall I think she enjoyed it!!  She told is she didn't want to touch it!  We also went to go see Santa with Nana, Meme, Aunt Kelly, Madelyn, and Ellie.  This is our yearly tradition so we were all excited and wondering if Cora and Madelyn would even sit on Santa's lap.  Well the McGuire girls did great, not Miss Cora.  She got so upset so we ended up with a picture with me on Santa's lap!!  Finally, our Christmas tree is up!  We ended up buying an artifical and it looks great!  Cora had so much decorating the tree, especially putting the angel on the tree with Daddy.  We are really enjoying Christmas time this year because Cora has a better understanding of what's going on.  She won't stop talking about Santa (even though she flaked out sitting on his lap!)

She waited all day for Daddy to come home & take her out to play!

She's ready to go!!

Playing with Daddy!

Catching snowflakes at the Polar Express exhibit

Cora & Madelyn have so much fun together!

The girls playing with Aunt Kelly and I try on some boots!

Our stockings!

Our little family:)

Putting the angel on the tree with Daddy!

Our tree fits perfectly!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Cora!!

Our sweet little angel turned 2 on December 4th!  We had a fun filled weekend of birthday parties!  Saturday morning we went to the Richmond Christmas parade with Nana, Pop Pop, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Bill, Madelyn, and Ellie!  It was cold but the girls had a lot of fun!  They lost interest near the end, but loved to dance to the marching bands and clap and wave to the balloons!  Saturday night we went to Nana and Pop Pop's for dinner and presents.  Auntie Lindsey came and so did our good friends Lindsay and Cooper Roth!  The theme was Cora's favorite...Mickey Mouse!  On Sunday, we went to Grammy and Papa's house for a pizza party.  The whole gang was there and Cora had a blast with her cousins!  She loved opening all of her presents and especially loved her cake!  We had such a great weekend and cannot believe our little girl is 2 years old!  I remember it like yesterday the day she was born!  Happy Birthday Cora Boo!

The night before her birthday...wearing Daddy's shirt & watching the Polar Express, her favorite movie!

She loves this movie!

Her birthday balloon from Daddy!

She knows how to turn on the stereo & listen to her Christmas CD!

Her birthday breakfast....cinnamon buns!

Getting ready for the parade...Nana helping out, I'm still on crutches!

The girls eating donuts waiting for the parade to start!

Keeping warm!

Poor Rudolph, he got a hole in his head!

Just precious!

Cora's new table from Nana and Pop Pop!

Opening her book from Auntie Lindsey

Her Cabage Patch doll from the McGuire's! 

Waiting for her birthday cake!

Finally!  Time to eat cake!

Auntie Lindsey with little Ellie!

Ready to open gifts at the Nolans!

Mickey pajamas from the Angus/Haynes group!

Grammy and Papa gave her a bear!

So excited!

Grammy and Papa also gave her a firetruck, her face was priceless!

Birthday cake time again!

Just love that little face:)

My good little eater!

Ended the night by playing the piano with Emma!